The local council issues parking tickets

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Written By AndrewPerry

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Who manages the parking?

Parking on public land in many places is managed by local councils. The police will take care of parking on public land that isn’t allowed.

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Private companies often manage parking on private land and issue their own parking tickets.

  • Parking restrictions on public land

Parking on public property can result in you being fined if you don’t comply with parking regulations. You will be fined according to the policy of your local council.

Parking attendants are employed by many local councils to enforce parking regulations. Parking attendants can issue a penalty charge notice to those who don’t comply with the rules. This is not a criminal offense, but a civil matter.

  • Notification of a penalty fee

Parking attendants can issue a penalty notice notice to anyone who has parked illegally. You must either give the attendant notice or attach it to your vehicle.

A penalty notice notice can be issued by the local council at any time after an infraction. There is no time limit.

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You will receive a penalty charge notice stating that you have 28 days in which to pay the fine.

You can accept that you have parked illegally and pay the amount requested by the notice. You will be notified when and how to pay.

You can call your local council to get your vehicle number plate if you have lost the penalty notice. You should be able tell them how to pay.

  • If you don’t pay
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If you do not appeal against the penalty notice and don’t pay the amount due, the local council will issue a ‘notice of owner’ reminding that you must pay. The council will send you a notice to owner reminding you to pay the penalty charge notice on time.

Although you will have to pay the local authority, you won’t be charged with a criminal offense.

The local council can file the debt without having to go to court if you fail to pay the due date. The sheriff can be used to collect the charges.

  • Appeal against a penalty notice

You can appeal the penalty notice to your local council if you disagree that you were parking illegally. You will be given instructions on how and when to appeal.

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Appealing might be something you want to do because:

You weren’t the vehicle’s owner when it was parked. This can be proven by providing a receipt or a copy the DVLA registration form.

The parking was legal. For example, the meter time had not expired, your vehicle was in a mechanical state, or you were legally loading and unloading your vehicle. You could also attach a photo of your vehicle, a receipt from the garage or a delivery note as evidence.

  • Someone had parked your vehicle without you consent
  • It wasn’t obvious that the area where the vehicle was to be parked was restricted.

What will the local council do next?

Your case must be considered by the local council. It will then let you know if your appeal has been accepted or rejected.

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If the council accepts your appeal it will cancel your penalty notice.

The council must send you a “notice of rejection” if it rejects your appeal. You should also receive details on how to appeal to the General Regulatory Chamber.

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Appealing against a local council decision

You can appeal the decision of the local council to the General Regulatory Chamber if you are still unhappy. Within 28 days after receiving the rejection notice, you must appeal.